Toddler Group

Vicarage Farm Tea & Tots

A stay & play group with story time and sing-song for babies and toddlers aged 0 to 5 years supervised by their parents/ grandparents/ carers.

Plenty of toys for children to play and develop new skills.

Story time and singing to help with language and social skills development.

An opportunity for both children and their adults to make new friends.

There will be tea/coffee and biscuits for adults and healthy snacks for the children. Please bring your own drinks for the children.

The club will run on Tuesday each week in term-time from 10.00 to 11.00am.

It is our priority to make sure our group is as safe as possible and minimise the risk to all present. If you or anyone in your family feel unwell, we encourage you to stay at home, to avoid passing on infection to others at the group.

There are no fees.  However, donations are welcome and a box is available for this purpose at the registration & sign-in desk alternatively you can make an online donation via this website on Donate page from main menu.  Donations will go towards the purchase of play equipment and the provision of refreshments.

For more information please contact us at